George Baker

Executive Coach

Greater Boston, New York, and Maine
State(s) Covered:
New York
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George Baker

A Transformational Process Awaits

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George Baker

Meet George Baker

George Baker, executive coach, engages his extensive healthcare experience, to help dental practitioners boost their team’s strengths. In concert with the Fortune Northeast Team, he uses the Fortune model to maximize the practice’s business potential, allowing the doctors to focus on the dentistry they love and enjoy the lives they desire.

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With 32 years of municipal fire, pre-hospital emergency health care, and disaster management experience, and 20 years as Fire Chief, George now provides executive level coaching to individuals, groups, and teams to refine their abilities, tap into the high energy within and get the results they are looking for. He is dedicated to assisting others in reaching their personal and professional goals.

George spent more than 25 years advocating for Emergency Medical Service Departments on patient care quality standards and insurance billing/collection regulations on a state and national level. His leadership has been recognized by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, The International Association of Fire Chiefs, and The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. George is an Eagle Scout.

George is recognized as an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation. He is an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner and a Licensed Results System Practitioner. For fun, George looks to the outdoors. He’s been spotted gardening, hiking, canoeing, camping, or playing “serious” badminton with any of his 6 children.

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