The Hygienist's Role In Internal Marketing With Shannon Richkowski, Director Of Hygiene Mastery

Published on
Nov 8, 2023

Shannon Richkowski, Director of Hygiene Mastery is interviewed by Kim McGuire in the first of a podcast series on Peak Performing Hygiene Teams. In this episode, Shannon describes the areas in which the Hygiene Team can be the most impactful when it comes to internal marketing.

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The Hygienist's Role In Internal Marketing With Shannon Richkowski, Director Of Hygiene Mastery
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Internal marketing is the best and most efficient way for a dental practice to thrive and grow. The steps that Shannon describes this system as first, taking an honest look at your belief systems around asking for referrals. Do you have a limiting belief that must shift to a more empowering belief? Second, you must practice and implement the system of asking for referrals in the hygiene department. The hygienist spends so much quality time building relationships with the patients, they are the perfect person to ask for a referral. Shannon gives us a great script for incorporating this in the practice. Next, Shannon describes the mindset of being about possibility and opportunity in the hygiene department. And last, we discuss the different ways of thanking our patients for referring their friends and family to the practice.  

Under the direction of Shannon Richkowski, Hygiene Mastery has gained national recognition for delivering the kinds of detailed, progressive strategies that enable dental practices to maximize their potential. As a result, Shannon and Hygiene Mastery consistently empower practices by successfully identifying and eliminating the obstacles that impede a seamless integration of patient care, clinical excellence and profitability. Her philosophy of “support at a whatever-it-takes level” — She has a thorough understanding of the latest cutting-edge technology for RDHs — is changing the dynamics of hygiene departments across all socioeconomic communities. Along the way, dental professionals around the country are seeing the powerful impact that hygiene teams can have on a practice’s big picture and bottom line.

To find out more about Hygiene Mastery and to request your Complimentary Department Analysis, please visit the HM website.

Links: (Link to the FISH! Philosophy)

One of Shannon’s favorite quotes: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” - John Maxwell


Coming soon!

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